Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yeah, randomness. After a long time of absence from updating this blog. Life goes on in the way unprecedented for me. It accelerates in a rather horrifying manner, sapping the liveliness and calmness of my life slowly. Indeed, relaxation time has become a luxury that is quite distant from me.

Last Saturday was hotel performance, a five hours event that I wished would had lasted forever, so that Sunday would not come and Monday would not disturb my joy of living. Once schooldays come, uninvited, like a hungry leech yearning to drain off all my blood, bunch of homework and project will bombard me,

Now while I am updating this blog, I have my Microsoft Word opened, with an essay that needs to be edited. Furthermore, tomorrow I have geography challenge; which implies that I must work my ass off for this competition so that I will not disgrace my school's name. Well, it isn't that I don't enjoy this sequence of seemingly interminable activities and events, but I do wish to have a longer time to pause and rest. I need a vantage point where I can relax and watch the world goes by. Well, maybe it isn't the time for my prayer to be answered. For now, I need to fight, not only for the upcoming competition and the essay, but for my O Level that will determine my very future. Good luck for you guys who are doing the O Level as well!